ELL-i Holistic Hackathon 22.5. - 24.5. 2015

ELL-i open source cooperative proudly presents

Holistic Hackathon
at the Helsinki Hacklab

22.5. 16:00 -
24.5. 16:00

We wish to build systems leveraging on ELL-i IoT technology and then other tech too. The focus is more on the building part and making a skeleton minimun viable whatnot skeleton working so that you can continue the good start after hackathon with your crew.

We bring pieces of ELL-i, the lab has random components and tools, you bring the rest. Obtaining more parts during saturday is okay.

Greenhouses, home automation, mechwarriorz, cats? yes, whatever you wish.

More info at url:


Okay, tomorrow is the day! I’ve heard many people talk about the hackathon so I gather people are coming. Nobody has told us anything but that’s okay, the event is free of charge and whatever we might offer you for the price is basically peanuts anyway.

Should you intend to nap at the site, do bring nap things. We have some small snacks and the rest you either bring or buy or something. It’ll arrange itself.

As a bad quality teaser image for inspiring systemic thinking I’ll just drop an ugly architectural image in here:

We have skeleton proof of concept quality software for mutual authentication on coap/dtls and then some.